The Durham Alano Club welcomes new AA, Alanon, and Alateen meeting applications. Before you complete this application, please check the Club schedule to see when other groups are currently meeting.

New meetings require:

  1. At least 2, but preferably 3 or 4 committed individuals with at least one year of sobriety for new AA meetings or one year of Alanon/Alateen membership for new Alanon/Alanteen meetings
  2. A commitment from the above individuals to hold the meeting for at least 6 months
  3. Rent for groups that meet at the Club is 75% of the 7th Tradition basket. Rent is to be placed in an envelope and into the Club safe after each meeting.

Please scan and email your completed application to or place in the Club safe.

Your application will be reviewed by the Alano Club Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting (typically on the 2nd Sunday of each month). If you have questions about the status of your application, email .

    Your Name

    Your Phone Number:

    Your Email:

    Meeting Type

    Group Name*

    Preferred Meeting Day(s) and Time(s)*

    Desired Start Date

    Estimated Number of People*

    Preferred Meeting Space

    Meeting Type (Check all that apply)

    Group Founding Members

    Member 1



    Cell phone*

    Member 2



    Cell phone*

    Member 3



    Cell phone

    Member 4



    Cell phone

    Use this space to provide the Board with any additional information about your meeting.

    Affirmation statement & signature
    I agree that all individuals noted above as “founding members” meet the minimum 1-year AA/Alanon/Alateen requirements as stated on page 1 of this application and have agreed to commit to holding this meeting for at least 6 months if our application is approved and for paying the Club rental fee of 75% of each 7th tradition basket.

    Durham's vibrant recovery community deserves a club of its own to help carry the message of recovery, unity, and service. - Tim H.