Membership Dues:
$40 quarterly
$15 monthly
Sponsor a newcomer for six months for $75
Membership Dues:
$40 quarterly
$15 monthly
Sponsor a newcomer for six months for $75
How to submit your membership payment:
Questions? Email
“When A.A. was very young we met in homes. People came miles, not only for the A.A. meeting itself, but to sit hours afterward at coffee, cake, and eager, intimate talk. Alcoholics and their families had been lonely too long.”
“Then homes became too small. We couldn’t bear to break up into many little meetings, so we looked for a larger place. We lodged first in the workshop of a tailoring establishment, then in a rented room at Steinway Hall. This kept us together during the meeting hour. Afterward we held forth at a cafeteria, but something was missing. It was the home atmosphere; a restaurant didn’t have enough of it. Let’s have a club, someone said.”
Originally published in The A.A. Grapevine 1947
“There have always been A.A.s who sought a place to go for coffee and conversation; a spot where members could gather for lunch; a place where they could gather socially on weekends and holidays.”
“In 1947, Bill W. wrote a Grapevine article on clubs that became part of our pamphlet “A.A. Tradition– How It Developed”. The title carried the question, “Clubs in A.A.– Are They With Us to Stay?” Today, the answer to that question can be “yes.” The success and the endurance of the club idea can be ascribed to the wisdom expressed in Bill’s article and to the willingness of club-minded A.A.s to help make them work. These A.A.s make it possible for a club to function effectively without detracting from A.A.s source of recovery– the A.A. group. Experience demonstrates that a club can live in harmony with the A.A. community and serve a very useful purpose for those who find a club helpful.”
Reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc. and The A.A. Grapevine, Inc. AAWS has no affiliation with the Durham Alano Club.